e - J o u r n a l







1.  Asia Pacific Management Review Scopus & Web of Science Q1
2.  China Journal of Accounting Research Scopus & Web of Science Q2
3.  Asia Marketing Journal Scopus & Web of Science Q3
4.  Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance Scopus & Web of Science Q3
5.  Cogent Business and Management Scopus & Web of Science Q2
6.  SA Journal of Human Resource Management Scopus & Web of Science Q2
7.  Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics (MAJCAFE) Scopus Q4
8.  Studies In Business and Economics Scopus & Web of Science Q3
9.  Management & Marketing Scopus & Web of Science Q2
10.  IIMB Management Review Scopus & Web of Science Q2
11.  Foundations of Management Scopus & Web of Science Q4
12.  National Accounting Review Web of Science  
13.  Management Web of Science  
14.  European Research On Management And Business Economics Scopus & Web of Science Q1
15.  Business Ethics and Leadership  Web of Science  
16.  International Journal of Management Studies Web of Science  
17.  South East Asian Journal of Management Web of Science  
18.  Future Business Journal Web of Science  
19.  Strategic Management Web of Science  
20.  European Journal of Management And Business Economics Scopus & Web of Science Q2
21.  Open Journal of Accounting
22.  Journal Of Accounting, Finance And Auditing Studies
23.  Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing
24.  European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business
25.  Open Journal of Business and Management
26.  Int. Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance & Management Sciences
27.  Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies
28.  Journal of Financial Risk Management
29.  Journal of Service Science and Management
30.  The Journal of Accounting and Management
31.  Innovation Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review
32.  International Journal of Business and Technology Management
33.  International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance
34.  International Journal of Current Research and Applied Studies
35.  Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management
36.  International Journal of Halal Ecosystem and Management Practices (IJHEMP)
37.  Archives of Business Research
38.  Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance
39.  International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM)

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